We are skilled in representing and advising clients in all phases of the life of their business. At every point, we stay focused on understanding and achieving our clients’ business goals in the most timely and cost-effective manner possible.
Forming or Dissolving Your Corporation, LLC or Partnership: Whether forming a new entity, dissolving a corporation or partnership, or simply seeking straight answers to business questions, we can help you find the right solution, and put that solution into practice.
Business and Real Estate Disputes: Our attorneys have real-life, cutting-edge knowledge and practical experience in all aspects of business litigation and dispute resolution. Our team approach allows us to deliver cost-effective and case-winning services. While we are ready and able to try those cases that have to be tried, we succeed in resolving many of our clients’ cases prior to trial, whether through arbitration, mediation, or more informal settlement negotiations.
Collections: All businesses have occasional disputes over receivables. Obtaining a judgment is only the first step. Our experienced attorneys can help your business locate a debtor’s assets and collect on that judgment.